
Recently (hep-th/0104171) we considered N=2 super Yang-Mills with a N=2 mass breakingn term and showed the existence of BPS Z_{k}-string solutions for arbitrary simple gauge groups which are spontaneously broken to non-Abelian residual gauge groups. We also calculated their string tensions exactly. In doing so, we have considered in particular the hypermultiplet in the same representation as the one of a diquark condensate. In the present work we analyze some of the different phases of the theory and find that the magnetic fluxes of the monopoles are multiple of the fundamental Z_{k}-string flux, allowing for monopole confinement in one of the phase transitions of the theory. We also calculate the threshold length for a string breaking. Some of these confining theories can be obtained by adding a N=0 deformation term to N=2 or N=4 superconformal theories.

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