
Zitterbewegung of massless particles with an arbitrary spin is analyzed in various representations. Dynamics of the group velocity of a massless particle as a whole and of the corresponding radius vector is determined. This radius vector defines any fixed point of the envelope of the moving wave packet characterizing the particle and its group velocity differs from the group velocities of any points of the wavefront. We consider free massless scalar and Dirac particles, the photon, and massive and massless particles with an arbitrary spin and describe them in different representations. For particles with an arbitrary spin, the generalized Feshbach-Villars representation and the Foldy-Wouthuysen one are used. Zitterbewegung takes place in any representation except for the Foldy-Wouthuysen one. Formulas describing the motion of a ``trembling'' free particle are the same in any representation. In the Foldy-Wouthuysen representation, the operators of the velocity and momentum of a free particle are proportional and Zitterbewegung does not take place. Since the radius vector (position) and velocity operators are the quantum-mechanical counterparts of the classical position and velocity just in the Foldy-Wouthuysen representation, Zitterbewegung is not observable. The same conclusion has been previously made for free massive particles. For relativistic massive particles with spins 0, 1/2, 1 and massless particles with spins 0, 1/2 in arbitrarily strong electromagnetic fields, independent of the external fields Zitterbewegung does not appear in the Foldy-Wouthuysen representation either. This conclusion is made for leading terms in the Hamiltonian proportional to the zero and first powers of the Planck constant and for such terms proportional to ${\ensuremath{\hbar}}^{2}$ which describe contact interactions.

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