
SummaryCinema accomodation in the Netherlands and the factors by wich it is determined.The demand for cinema accomodation, B, measured by the number of seats limes the number of performances per week, is correlated with the average income, I, the population density, D, and the denomination of the people, G. This last factor is measured by the proportion of members in the provincial councils coming from those political parties which are acting on orthodox protestant principles. The quantities B, I, D, and G are computed for each of the n provinces in the Netherlands, and subsequently a multiple correlation analysis is carried out with the purpose of explaining log B as a junction oj log /, log D and log G. The resultant regression equation readslog B — log 1.48 + 0.40 log /+ 0.56 log D – 0.41 log G,the multiple correlation coefficient amounting to o.c/65. Since I and D are highly correlated (see fig. 1) the coefficients of log I and log D in the above formula are uncertain.This is particularly pointed out in an editorial postscript where the numerical analysis has been carried out to some detail. It is found that by omitting either I or D the multiple correlation coefficient would be reduced from 0.965 only to 0.95

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