
The metallogenic mechanism of Nb and rare earth elements (REEs) during the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of alkaline rocks remains ambiguous. Zircon is a common accessory mineral occurring in both barren aplite and the Nb-Y-F mineralized pegmatite (NFY-type) in Miyi County of the Pan-Xi area, the central zone of the Permian Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) in SW China. Here, we present in situ geochemical analyses on these zircons to reveal the Nb-REE mineralization processes during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution, as well as the prospecting potential of plume-related NYF-type pegmatites. Four types of zircons are identified in the Miyi aplite and pegmatite. Zrn-I with well-developed oscillatory zoning (OZ) represents magmatic zircons in the aplite. Zrn-II and Zrn-III are magmatic zircons in the pegmatite. Zrn-II is closely associated with albite and is restricted to the center of an individual crystal, indicating early crystallization. There are abundant nanoscale britholite and thorite inclusions in Zrn-II, indicating that the primary melt is enriched in Ca, Y, REEs, Nb, Th, and F. Zrn-III presents as the rim of Zrn-II, with a sharp boundary between them. Zrn-IV is a metamict zircon formed through hydrothermal alteration after its structure was destroyed due to high Th and/or U contents. In situ zircon U-Pb dating of both Zrn-I and Zrn-III yields concordant ages of ca. 258 Ma, coeval with the felsic magmatism in the ELIP. For positive εHf(t) values of Zrn-I and Zrn-III (1.8–5.8 and 1.5–9.1, respectively), the Miyi pegmatite is also plume-related and might be derived from magma resembling A-type granite in the ELIP. Both Zrn-I and Zrn-III show negative Eu anomalies, and there is a decrease in Sc contents from Zrn-I to Zrn-III, indicating that the Miyi pegmatite formed from a highly evolved magma. Furthermore, the synchronous increases in Na, Nb, Y and total REEs from Zrn-I to Zrn-III indicate that excess Na in the melt plays an essential role in the further enrichment of Nb, Y, and REEs. In addition, a dramatic decrease in Nb, Y and total REE contents and LREE (light REE)/HREE (heavy REE) ratios from Zrn-III to Zrn-IV illustrates that Na- and F-rich hydrothermal fluids can leach and facilitate the precipitation of these elements, particularly LREEs. Therefore, there are two-stage Nb and REE mineralization processes related to magmatic-hydrothermal evolution in the Miyi pegmatite, which may be a general model for the mineralization of plume-related NFY-type pegmatites.

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