
The Permian-Triassic mass extinction (PTME), the largest biocrisis in Earth's history, is regarded as having been triggered by volcanism, although the source and nature of this volcanic activity in the South China region remains in debate. In this regard, determining the geochemical composition of the volcanic and terrestrial source fluxes to marine depositional systems is crucial for differentiating material derived from the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province versus regional volcanic arcs. Here, we report zirconium (Zr) isotopic compositions (δ94/90Zr) of Permian-Triassic boundary strata from a deep carbonate-ramp setting at Xiakou, South China, providing new insights regarding the provenance of volcanic ash layers and their host silicic mudstones. The δ94/90Zr composition of magmatically sourced materials is generally controlled by degree of melt crystallization and has the potential to discriminate between primitive and evolved igneous sources. At Xiakou, the pre-PTME Lower Unit contains volcanic ash layers with δ94/90Zr (+0.05 ± 0.03‰, 2SD) similar to that of upper continental crustal (UCC), recording dominantly detrital zircon sources. About 10 kyr before the mass extinction, a single ash layer (Bed 249) records a transient excursion to mantle-like values (∼0‰), followed by a protracted shift across the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) toward signatures characteristic of more evolved felsic sources (+0.19 ± 0.12‰) accompanied by a positive shift in Nd isotopes (εNd(t)). The high δ94/90Zr of volcanic ash layers from the Middle Unit (corresponding approximately to the interval between the PTME and PTB) indicates dominance of regional felsic volcanic sources. In this interval, volcanic ash δ94/90Zr values at Xiakou are distinctly higher than those at Meishan, suggesting that primary volcanic signatures are better preserved in deep-water facies (Xiakou) than in shallow-water facies (Meishan). In the Middle (excluding the Bed 249) and Upper (post-PTME) units, positive covariation of δ94/90Zr with Al2O3/TiO2, Zr/TiO2 and Zr/Sc ratios was the product of mixing of detrital and volcanic materials, with the latter having a dominantly felsic source. This study provides new insight into the sources of zircons in PTB sections of South China, and it demonstrates the general utility of sedimentary Zr isotopic compositions in determining magmatic provenance.

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