
The hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens J & C Presl. was grown in seven different soils collected from around Europe that had been contaminated with heavy metals by industrial activity or the disposal of sewage sludge to land. Zinc accumulation factors (shoot concentration/initial soil solution concentration) ranged from 3500–85 000 with a mean value of around 36 000. This compares with mean accumulation factors of 636, 66 and 122 for Cd, Ca and Mg, respectively. The concentration of Zn in the shoots was much greater than in the roots. The total removal of Zn and Cd ranged from 8 to 30 and from 0.02 to 0.5 mg kg-1 soil, respectively. The Zn concentration in shoots of T. caerulescens correlated, using a curvilinear relationship, with the initial Zn concentration in soil solution (R2 = total Zn 0.78; Zn2+ 0.80). There was no relationship between the uptake of Zn and the total Zn concentration in the soil. In most soils, solution pH increased only slightly after growth of T. caerulescens, indicating that acidification was not the mechanism used to mobilise Zn in the soil. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations generally increased but characterisation of the component organic compounds was not attempted. The concentrations of Zn and Cd in soil solution decreased considerably after growth of T. caerulescens. The percentages of Zn and Cd in soil solution present as free ions also decreased. However, the decrease of Zn in soil solution after growth accounted for only about 1% of the total Zn uptake by T. caerulescens. This was much lower than for Cd, Ca and Mg. The results suggest that either T. caerulescens was highly efficient at mobilising Zn which was not soluble initially, or the soils used had large buffering capacities to replenish soil solution Zn within a short time. This work highlights the need to investigate the role of root exudates on the mobilisation of Zn and Cd in soils by the hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens.

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