
Mung bean is recognized for its abundant high-quality protein content. For human consumption, it is a high-quality protein source and also serves various purposes crops, its arvested residue is used for green manuring and also used for fodder purposes. The research aimed to assess the impact of foliar micronutrient application on primed mung bean (Vigna radiata). The experimental procedures were executed in the sandy loam soil prevalent in the central plain region of Punjab. The investigation was conducted during the Zaid season 2022, focusing on the (SML-1827) mung bean variety. Specifically, the research assessed the impact of foliar micronutrient applications involving zinc and boron at 15 and 45 days after sowing (DAS) on primed mung bean growth characteristics. The experimental design employed a Randomized Block Design, incorporating 11 distinct treatment combinations, each replicated thrice. The investigation revealed that foliar micronutrient treatment on primed mung bean substantially influenced growth and yield parameters. Growth indicators for mung bean exhibited a positive trend when zinc and boron were jointly applied to primed seeds with gibberellic acid, followed by a decline in the control group, which experienced typical growth conditions devoid of growth regulators and micronutrients. Specifically, the highest recorded plant height was 70.1 cm in the T9 (GA(50 mg.L-1) + ZnSO4 (0.5%) + B (1%)) treatment, while the lowest height was 58 cm in the T0 (control) treatment. Similarly, the most significant fresh weight was observed in T9 (GA(50 mg.L-1) + ZnSO4 (0.5%)+ B (1%)) treatments at 136.8 g, with the lowest weight recorded in T0 (control) treatments at 86.6g. the most significant grain yield was achieved in T9 112 g.m-2, followed by T10 (SA(150 mg.L-1)+ ZnSO4 (0.5%)+B (1%)) at 105.7 g.m-2. This study suggests micronutrients and growth regulators can be sustainable agricultural inputs to enhance soil health and productivity.

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