
Barhee trees were facing the major problem as poor fruit set and low fruits quality (Shees fruits) and the low yield due to inadequate pollination, The date palm female trees under experimental study were uniformed under farm management as irrigation, pollination, pruning and soil fertilization with both mineral (N, P, K and S) and organic fertilizers (animal manure) to investigate the influence of boron and zinc to increasing fruit set and yield, zinc 1,2 and 3 g/l and Boron at 1,2 and 3 ml/l as foliar before pollinated inflorescences and soil application at 10,20 and 30 g/tree two times /month. The obtained results revealed that treated trees with Borax spraying at 2 ml/l + Zn 2 g/l as pre pollination with soil application at 20 ml Borax + 20 g/l Zn induced heavy fruit, flesh and seeds with longest fruits that contributed to the biggest bunch weight and total yield/ tree in addition to higher rates of fruit retention and Flesh fruit weight %, fruit acidity and phenols were reduced. So based on the previous results, spraying inflorescences and soil treatments with Borax and Zn were applied for increasing and enhancing fruit quality and maximum yield of date palm cv. Barhee.

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