
Zika virus congenital infection evades double-stranded RNA detection and may persist in the placenta for the duration of pregnancy without accompanying overt histopathologic inflammation. Understanding how viruses can persist and replicate in the placenta without causing overt cellular or tissue damage is fundamental to deciphering mechanisms of maternal-fetal vertical transmission. Placenta-specific microRNAs are believed to be a tenet of viral resistance at the maternal-fetal interface. We aimed to test the hypothesis that the Zika virus functionally disrupts placental microRNAs, enabling viral persistence and fetal pathogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we used orthogonal approaches in human and murine experimental models. In primary human trophoblast cultures (n=5 donor placentae), we performed Argonaute high-throughput sequencing ultraviolet-crosslinking and immunoprecipitation to identify any significant alterations in the functional loading ofmicroRNAs and their targets onto the RNA-induced silencing complex.Trophoblasts from same-donors were split and infected with a contemporary first-passage Zika virus strain HN16 (multiplicity of infection=1 plaque forming unit per cell) or mock infected. To functionally cross-validate microRNA-messenger RNA interactions, we compared our Argonaute high-throughput sequencing ultraviolet-crosslinking and immunoprecipitation results with an independent analysis of published bulk RNA-sequencing data from human placental disk specimens (n=3 subjects; Zika virus positive in first, second, or third trimester, CD45- cells sorted by flow cytometry) and compared it with uninfected controls (n=2 subjects). To investigate the importance of these microRNA and RNA interference networks in Zika virus pathogenesis, we used a gnotobiotic mouse model uniquely susceptible to the Zika virus. We evaluated if small-molecule enhancement of microRNA and RNA interference pathways with enoxacin influenced Zika viruspathogenesis (n=20 dams total yielding 187 fetal specimens). Lastly, placentae (n=14 total) from this mouse model were analyzed with Visium spatial transcriptomics (9743 spatial transcriptomes) to identify potential Zika virus-associated alterations in immune microenvironments. We found that Zika virus infection of primary human trophoblast cells led to an unexpected disruption of placental microRNA regulation networks. When compared with uninfected controls, Zika virus-infected placentae had significantly altered SLC12A8, SDK1, andVLDLR RNA-induced silencing complex loading and transcript levels (-2<log2(fold-change)>2; adjusted P value <.05; Wald-test with false discovery rate correction q<0.05). In silico microRNA target analyses revealed that 26 of 119 transcripts (22%) in the transforming growth factor-β signaling pathway were targeted by microRNAs that were found to be dysregulated following Zika virus infection in trophoblasts. In gnotobiotic mice, relative to mock controls, Zika virus-associated fetal pathogenesis included fetal growth restriction (P=.036) and viral persistence in placental tissue (P=.011). Moreover, spatial transcriptomics of murine placentae revealed that Zika virus-specific placental niches were defined by significant up-regulation of complement cascade components and coordinated changes in transforming growth factor-β gene expression. Finally, treatment of Zika virus-infected mice with enoxacin abolished placental Zika virus persistence, rescued the associated fetal growth restriction, and the Zika virus-associated transcriptional changes in placental immune microenvironments were no longer observed. These results collectively suggest that (1) Zika virus infection and persistence is associated with functionally perturbed microRNA and RNA interference pathways specifically related to immune regulation in placental microenvironments and (2) enhancement of placental microRNA and RNA interference pathways in mice rescued Zika virus-associated pathogenesis, specifically persistence of viral transcripts in placental microenvironments and fetal growth restriction.

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