
Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of distributed sensor nodes in the remote locations and are used to measure the sensor data in remote locations. Each node of WSN consists of a wireless micro controller interfaced with sensors. The user is confronted with independently working and diverse electronic devices like television, PDAs, laptops etc. Middleware is required to glue all these heterogeneous devices. This also integrates WSN with IP to cater the real world requirements and enables the electronic device of the IP-based WSN to access the other device of the same or different network. TCP / IP stack is not suitable to be ported into the memory of WSN node. It occupies more memory and causes more overhead to the WSN. There are two basic approaches towards the realization of IP based WSN viz., gateway based approach and virtual gateway approach. A new network based on wireless micro controllers to integrate IP and WSN is proposed. The hardware is employed with one coordinator, three routers and one handheld device that integrate IP and WSN. New addressing mechanisms are proposed to create virtual IP and WSN addresses as part of this integration.

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