
Spectrum and geodesic flow by S. Zelditch On adelic zeta functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces with finitely many adelic open orbits by T. Kimura and T. Kogiso Fonctions zeta de Selberg et surfaces de geometrie finie by L. Guillope The relation between the $\eta$-invariant and the spin representation in terms of the Selberg zeta function by M. Wakayama Lefschetz principle in the theory of prehomogeneous vector space by A. Gyoja On special values of Selberg zeta functions by K. Takase Some exact trace formulae by C. L. Epstein Zeta function class number and cyclotomic units of cyclotomic function fields by K. Feng Scalar product of Hecke $L$-functions and its application by B. Z. Moroz Billiards without boundary and their zeta functions by T. Morita Selberg zeta functions and Jacobi forms by T. Arakawa Multiple zeta functions:An example by N. Kurokawa Zeta functions of loop groups by S. Koyama Some observations concerning the distribution of the zeros of the zeta functions (I) by A. Fujii On Hermitian forms attached to zeta functions by H. Yoshida Spectral zeta functions by A. Voros Eigenvalues of the Laplacian for Hecke triangle groups by D. A. Hejhal The Maass zeta functions attached to positive definite quadratic forms by F. Sato.

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