
The method of zero-range potential is used to model negative atomic and quasimolecular ions in a circularly polarized laser field. The range of the laser-field parameters is extended in comparison with the previous calculations of the complex quasienergies of an atomic particle. A closed-form expression that defines the adiabatic electronic complex quasienergies of a two-state quasimolecular system is derived and solved numerically. Both laser-induced widths and shifts of the terms are discussed for a wide region of the laser-field parameters and internuclear distances, using ${\mathrm{H}}_{2}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$ and ${\mathrm{OH}}^{\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}}$ ions as examples. The effect of suppression of the ionization rate of the excited state of a negative quasimolecular ion at small internuclear distances due to the presence of a laser field, as well as deepening of the ground-term potential well, was found.

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