
The paper summarizes the data on mineral assemblages, crystal morphology and chemical composition of zeolites (analcime, natrolite, gonnardite, paranatrolite, scolecite, mesolite, garronite-Na, phillipsite-K, harmotome, chabazite-Ca, heulandite-Ca, heulandite-Sr, heulandite-K, stilbite-Ca,brewsterite-Sr and, probably, cowlesite) from zeolite-bearing pegmatites and late veinlets, which are located in miaskites of the NW contact of the Vishnevogorsky block and Sedlovidnaya miaskite block, which host vein ore bodies of the Vishnevogorsky Nb deposit at the South Urals. Garronite-Na is found for the first time in Russia and this is the second finding in the world. Some zeolites (brewsterite-Sr, heulandite-K, heulandite-Sr, mesolite, and phillipsite-K) are identified for the first time in the Vishnevye Mountains. Figures 21. Tables 1. References 14. Key words: zeolites, Vishnevye Mountains, South Urals

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