
Invasive species can drive native organisms to extinction by limiting movement and accessibility to essential resources. The purpose of this study was to determine if zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) affect the burrowing ability and growth rate of a native snail, Campeloma decisum. Snails with and without zebra mussels were collected from Douglas Lake, MI, and burrowing depths were studied in both the laboratory and Douglas Lake. Growth rates were calculated as the amount of shell growth from 2004 to 2005. Both the tendency of snails to burrow and the depth to which they burrowed into the substrate were significantly decreased by the presence of zebra mussels on snail shells in both laboratory and lake experiments. There was no difference in the percentage of snails that exhibited growth as a function of zebra mussel presence. However, for those snails that grew, there was a 50% higher growth rate for snails without zebra mussels compared to snails with zebra mussels. These negative effects of zebra mussels on growth and burrowing ability will likely lead to decreases in snail population densities in the future.

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