
We compared zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) colonization of six commonly used construction materials (PVC, concrete, steel, galvanized steel, pressure-treated wood, aluminum) plus a native unionid mussel shell, and examined effectiveness of the Intersleek® 970 Fluoropolymer Foul Release Coating system applied to the six materials in limiting colonization by this aquatic nuisance species. Coated and uncoated substrates were deployed in Marion Reservoir, Kansas, from April 2011 to August 2012. Density of colonizing zebra mussels was evaluated in July and November 2011, and durability of the substrates was monitored until August 2012. Mussels differentially utilized materials, with eight of the 13 substrates being colonized. PVC was colonized more heavily than galvanized steel and all surfaces coated with foul release fluoropolymer, which were largely mussel-free. Coating eventually showed signs of pitting, but did not delaminate from the materials to which it was applied. These results suggest that use of particular materials and coatings may aid management of some zebra mussel infestations.

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