
The research deals with the health condition of tree and shrub species of the natural resource known as Topčider Park assessed on the basis of the conducted visual assessment and determination of the degree of defoliation and discolouration. During the growing season 2018-2019, the health condition of plant species belonging to 50 different genera was determined. The following species were found to be healthy, without any visible damage: Cedrus atlantica, Corylus avelana, C. colurna, Juglans nigra, Maclura aurantiaca, Mahonia aquifolium, Prunus cerasifera, P. spinosa, Quercus rubra and Sambucus nigra. Trees with visible injuries included: Acer negundo, A. pseudoplatanus, Aesculus hippocastanum, Cryptomeria japonica, Fagus moesiaca, Gleditsia triacanthos, Morus alba, Platanus acerifolia, Populus alba. P. nigra, and P. tremula. Dying trees and dead trees were not recorded in Topčider Park. The plant species most threatened by the attack of pathogenic fungi and fungus-like organisms were the species of maple, horse chestnut, lime, poplar, and plane. The species of insects and mites here present did not significantly affect the health status of the investigated plant species.

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