
For centuries people have enjoyed playing. Play is an essential element of everyone’s life,not only children. This article explores own research containing: ethnographic interviews withcitizens of Elk region, participant observation of children’s plays and shows by folk artists, surveywith preschool and school teachers conducted during traditional play workshops for children.In addition it analyses memories from diaries and from an autobiography. The analysis is supportedby examples from literature.Description of some plays gives an opportunity to find out more about everyday life in a particularregion in a certain period of time. The literature shows how old are some plays, which are popularand still taught in kindergartens. It is noticed that in the past children, young people and adultshad similar plays. Nowadays adults choose mainly dance events, which differ from those describedin the article. Children however know and sometimes play the traditional games alongside withnew ones. Considering play as a cultural phenomenon it is observed that the rules of children’splays has not changed, only their form or contents may differ. Children have still enjoyed playingand miming the reality around them.

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