
Hoodwinked! is a computer-animated movie retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Although the storyline of a little girl who is harassed by the wolf while going to her grandma is retained, the creators have played with narrative conventions and changed it into a whodunit musical with the “Rashomon effect”. Many unexpected twists added to the story build up a completely new picture of the commonly known fairy tale. This paper focuses on the unique intertextuality of Hoodwinked! which is a prime example of the postmodern genre with a host of cinematic allusions and pop culture references. The analysis of these elements and ones specific for a folktale prove that such a combination forms a palatable product that cannot be called a pale imitation.


  • Such a play with genre conventions in the film conveys the message that one cannot judge a book by its cover owing to the danger of being hoodwinked, which contains a direct reference to the title and befits the retold story

  • Hoodwinked! is a computer-animated movie retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood

  • The storyline of a little girl who is harassed by the wolf while going to her grandma is retained, the creators have played with narrative conventions and changed it into a whodunit musical with the “Rashomon effect”

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Playing with Conventions in Hoodwinked!

Hoodwinked!1, “a fast and furious crackpot skewering of Little Red Riding Hood”[2] is a computer-animated movie retelling the story of this commonly known fairy tale. The characters are investigated by thorough detective Nicky Flippers whose introduction to the story reinforces the idea that Hoodwinked! The presence of noir conventions does not set the dominant tone in the Edwards’ production It seems that the most important in the story is to find the culprit, which immediately brings to mind the whodunit form that “follows a familiar narrative arc from crime, through investigation, to ultimate revelation”[9]. Every time the viewer gets accustomed to a new convention, it is changed, which points to postmodernist tendency of differentiation and discontinuity Such a play with genre conventions in the film conveys the message that one cannot judge a book by its cover owing to the danger of being hoodwinked, which contains a direct reference to the title and befits the retold story

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