
Personal book collections of scientists are valuable both as a historical and cultural source for the study of the owner’s personality and as an information resource. The article provides for the first time a multidimensional characterisation of the book and journal collection of the famous Russian librarian Yu.V. Grigoriev (1899—1973). The collection is currently part of the Fundamental Library of the Tambov State University (TSU) named after G.R. Derzhavin. After the death of the owner, the collection was acquired by the Tambov branch of the Moscow State Institute of Culture. It was included in the Fundamental Library TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin in 1994 in the process of its creation. The volume of the collection is 6241 copies. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of its thematic sections gives additional touches to the reader’s portrait of Yu.V. Grigoriev, reveals the sphere of his professional interests. The collection is universal in composition, most of which are publications on librarianship and related fields. The lower chronological boundary of the editions in the collection is 1852. Of special value are the editions of the 19 century, annual sets of magazines “Red Librarian”, “Bibliographic News”, a collection of abstracts of PhD theses of authors who became authoritative Russian librarians and bibliographers. All books contain exlibris of Yu.V. Grigoriev. More than 300 copies have gift inscriptions of colleagues and students, including two inscriptions of L.B. Khavkina. Being in the collection of the university library, the collection retains not only the memorial value, but also is a unique information resource, which is used in research and educational activities of teachers and students of the Department of Library and Information Resources of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin.

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