
The Social Media Sentiment Analysis web application is a powerful tool designed for content creators on various social media platforms, including YouTube. This application provides an intuitive interface for extracting and analyzing comments from YouTube videos, enabling content creators to gain valuable insights into the sentiment expressed by their viewers. By entering the YouTube video URL and an email address, users can harness the capabilities of this application to gain a comprehensive understanding of how their audience perceives their content. Leveraging the YouTube Data API, the application efficiently retrieves comments from the specified video. The application generates three files: comprehensive comments, positive comments, and negative comments, which are sent via email as Excel files. An interactive HTML table showcases sentiment distribution. This user-friendly application empowers content creators to track and enhance audience engagement on social media platforms, such as YouTube, through data-driven decision-making. Key Words: Social Media Sentimet Analysis , web application ,Youtube , analyzing comments , sentiment expressed , positive comments , negative comments

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