
The study of youth work in People's Republic of China (PRC) is important. More than 20 percent of all human beings are Chinese, and Chinese account for an even larger share of Third World citizens. Any claims to universality of a theory, skill, or occupation must confront Chinese experience. Canton is one of PRC's most important windows on outside world. It has experienced great Western impact. The Cantonese are affluent, at least by Chinese standards, and they enjoy many social and recreational activities. Canton's youth population--over 1.5 million, or about 26 percent of city's total population--has been affected by open door policy of last 14 years. The Guangzhou Qing Nian Wen Hua Gong (referred to as the Program) youth services center is one of oldest youth programs in PRC. Youths' value systems; moral standards; ways of living; political thoughts; and concepts of human relationships, time, and welfare have changed greatly during development of emerging market economy (Cao, 1989). Because PRC appears committed to this open door policy (Wang, 1989), it is likely that Program will provide a model for similar projects in other cities in China. Other youth services centers, particularly those situated in coastal open door cities, inevitably will experience same process of development. Because this type of project is institutionalized by government and Communist Party of China (CPC) as a major vehicle for delivering services to young people, Program provides a picture both of current youth work and of its possible future direction in PRC. Yet Program offers an optimal view of such services in PRC, given that Canton is a wealthy city and a showcase for implementation of government's open door policy. This article is based on my years of direct contact with youth organizations in PRC, site visits to Program, in-depth discussions with local cadres and staff responsible for youth services, and observation of youth activities in Canton. It examines Program's philosophy and goals, administration, and services in light of problems caused by modernization in PRC. The Program The Program was initiated in 1950s. Since establishment of present regime, these types of youth services have provided cultural and leisure activities for youths (Canton Qing Nian Wen Hua Gong, 1989). Youth services expanded after trauma of Cultural Revolution, downfall of Gang of Four, and confirmation of open door policy by CPC in 1978. Philosophy and Goals The avowed goal of Program is to develop a new generation of socialist youths with distinctive qualities of so-called Four Qualities of New Man--ideals, moral virtues, intelligence, and discipline (Chinese Communist Youth League Central Committee, 1986). The Program's purpose is to inspire young people to have ideals; to learn modern knowledge; to develop appropriate socialist values, attitudes, and patriotism; and to obey law (Xie, 1989). Throughout, it is clear that Program's dominant goals are political: to educate young people to be supporters and followers of socialist enterprise. Consequently, Program is politically guided and administratively supervised by CPC. Related to its goals, Program is organized to fulfill four specific programmatic functions: (1) to carry out political education, (2) to promote and enrich cultural activities among young people, (3) to organize Communist Youth League's (CYL) cultural and recreational activities, and (4) to offer training for various types of talents among youths (Y. C. Li, 1990). Youth work in PRC is therefore closely related to ideological identity and national development; it is centered on Marxist thought and is developed throughout Communist Revolution (Huang, 1988; Yang, 1990). The Program's charter defines it as link between CYL and youths. …

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