
Amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, there have been an innumerable amount of distress on the lives of others. Among the many populations impacted are students of color who have experienced many difficulties with balancing their personal lives and education. This study is dedicated to exploring the experiences of students of color in an institution of higher education (HBCU) Historically, young people of color have been regarded as a marginalized population in the realm of education. Therefore, this chapter provides an in-depth view using qualitative methodology to: (a) better understand the complexity and challenges faced during the pandemic for this population; and (b) gain insight about their overall lived experiences. As students of color in higher education, preliminary analysis shows that many have had to face a myriad of obstacles including, but not limited to, adjustments in academic learning technological challenges, experiences of family casualties, personal bouts with surviving COVID-19, and economic challenges to name a few. . Despite these aforementioned barriers contributing to the unbalanced impact of COVID-19 as it relates to issues of equity and justice for communities of color, many students demonstrated a level of resilience that should be immensely commended. Therefore, when sampling students of color at HBCUs impacted by the global pandemic, emphasis is placed on their stories of resiliencies and unprecedented experiences, post COVID-19 instructional experiences, as well as personal life experiences. This study is deemed important because learning takes place over a lifespan and in the field of academia, despite challenges, the word “resilience” should be at the forefront and in the minds of our students of color as it relates to the unbalanced impact of the global pandemic.

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