
The power of youth represents the versatility of the Middle East, which has the largest number of youths among other world regions. Therefore, when addressing the future of organ transplantation in this region, the perspectives of young transplant professionals would be invaluable. Organ donation and transplantation in the Middle East face many challenges. These challenges, which would be transferred to young professionals pursuing a career in transplantation, are related to transplant education, training, and the health system itself. Young transplant professionals are seeking a platform that will bring the wisdom of leaders and the energy of youth transplant professionals together. This platform would focus on increasing recruitment and engagement of young physicians and surgeons and decreasing the hurdles mentioned above. A team of young professionals from the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation countries hopes to bring their different perspectives into fruitful actions. Online education, career development, basic science research, and others are potential goals to be tackled. However, achieving this could not be possible without mutual collaborations with other young colleague teams from other transplant societies. Indeed, these actions can improve transplant science globally and in the MESOT region.

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