
CONTEXT: Because of limited exposure to the vast field of microbiology in the undergraduate time, a notion is generated among young doctors that microbiology only deals with laboratory diagnosis and teaching. When a young medical graduate enrols him/herself to microbiology and see the vastness of the subject and shrinkage of known job prospects, a sense of uncertainty and scepticism about the future creeps into the students mind. It has become a role of a postgraduate teacher to act as a mentor in such moment of crisis. AIM: The present article is aimed to explore the job prospect of a medical microbiologist in various fields, namely hospital setup, laboratory practice, research, corporate world, further studies and also to discuss the job profile, the challenges and future prospectus in each field. CONCLUSIONS: Now, microbiology has evolved beyond a subject encaged in laboratory and teaching or research; in its current form, it has an immense role in patient care and treatment and it has a great market value in the corporate field.

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