
Abstract Year after year, smart home systems continue to increase in popularity among consumer households. Consumption of smart home systems is also predicted to increase steeply in the coming years. Therefore, the article aims at assessing the attitude of young consumers towards a smart home and its devices. The article is based on primary and secondary sources of information. While primary information indicated the attitude of young consumers towards smart homes in their capacity as potential buyers, secondary information allowed for the definition of the issues discussed pertaining to smart homes and their devices. Using direct research, the online survey technique was employed on a sample of 588 consumers aged 18-34 years living in Poland in 2021. The respondents’ declarations showed that they intend using smart home services in the future, and that they thought using smart home devices would be enjoyable. In addition, respondents agreed with the statements that smart home devices are easy to use and valuable in everyday life, and that using smart home devices helps complete household chores faster. In their opinion, using a smart device at home can increase security and safety by detecting gas and smoke emissions and by creating an alert in the event of unauthorised home intrusion.

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