
This research purpose is to empirically analyze how grit is connected with ta’awun behavior. This research used the grounded theory approach. Data collection methods through in-depth interviews, observation, and focus group discussions. Data integration utilized the triangulation method through three main stages, consist of open, axial, and selective coding. Respondents consisted of four young volunteers with specific criteria such as act as active volunteers at Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre (MDMC), students of Muhammadiyah Lampung University, and had practical experience in the disaster area. The results showed that there were five main themes in the behavior of Muhammadiyah's young volunteer ta'awun: (1) attention to others; (2) helping others; (3) considerate others; (4) positive achievement; dan (5) positive consequences. Grit character in the behavior of young Muhammadiyah volunteers involves as a rover to success system in aligning young volunteers to give added value to the utmost usefulness in the process of assisting survivors. Further explanation in understanding its various connection was discussed Kata Kunci: young volunteer; muhammadiyah; ta’awun; grit


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  • The results showed that there were five main themes in the behavior of Muhammadiyah's young volunteer ta'awun: (1) attention to others; (2) helping others; (3) considerate others; (4) positive achievement; dan (5) positive consequences

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis secara empiris bagaimana karakter grit terhubung dengan perilaku ta’awun relawan. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan grounded theory. Metode pengumpulan data melalui in-depth interview, observasi dan FGD. Integrasi data menggunakan triangulasi metode dengan melalui tiga tahap utama yaitu open, axial dan selective coding. Responden penelitian terdiri dari empat orang relawan muda yang memiliki kriteria sebagai relawan di Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Centre (MDMC), berstatus mahasiswa dan memiliki pengalaman lapangan di daerah kebencanaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat lima tema utama dalam perilaku ta’awun relawan muda Muhammadiyah yaitu: (1) attention to others; (2) helping others; (3) considerate others; (4) positive achievement; dan (5) positive consequences. Karakter grit yang ada dalam perilaku ta’awun relawan muda Muhammadiyah bergerak sebagai rovering to success dalam menggerakan relawan muda untuk memberikan nilai kebermanfaatan secara tuntas dalam proses membantu penyintas

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