
AbstractOnline shopping addiction can be defined as an Internet‐based behavioural addiction which may lead to economic problems. Even though shopping is increasingly common through mobile devices, the effects of smartphone use on online shopping addiction are underexamined. Following a survey of 1000 18 to 29‐year‐olds in Finland, we examined young adults' online shopping addiction and economic problems from the perspective of self‐regulation and problems in regulating smartphone use. The results indicated that low self‐regulation in an online environment facilitates online shopping addiction, which further leads to dissatisfaction toward personal money management through indebtedness. Moreover, we illustrated how distractive stimuli of digital environments can act as primers for addiction by showing how problems in regulating smartphone use facilitates online shopping addiction for young adults with generally low self‐regulation. We conclude our article by offering guidance on how the teaching of self‐regulatory strategies as well as financial and information communications technology skills may decrease the tendency for online shopping addiction.

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