
ABSTRACT Motivated by Luke's insistence on the ascension of Jesus, this essay investigates the potential for reading Luke–Acts as a witness to a particular vision of salvation as theosis. The argument begins with the introduction of Jesus in the annunciation as "Son of the Most High" and moves to Jesus' provocative teaching in Luke 6:35–36 that those who practice enemy love and radical generosity will be called "sons of the Most High" precisely because the Father practices enemy love and radical generosity. It culminates with the ascended Jesus' enactment of the practices of enemy love and radical generosity in an encounter with his enemy Saul of Tarsus. The essay identifies Acts 9 as a primary exemplar of theosis as a Spirit-enabled, ecclesial, nonviolent, full-bodied participation in the body, life, and ongoing history of the ascended Lord Jesus. According to the narrative logic of Acts 9, Saul is incorporated into the ascended Lord Jesus and into the church through the power of the Spirit and in baptism. Saul's theosis becomes evident throughout Acts in his Spirit-effected transformation from a life of violence to a life marked by practices of enemy love and generosity. Luke–Acts supports a version of theosis that is both counter-imperial—with its insistence on enemy love and power for the sake of blessing—and fully Trinitarian. It is the Spirit who incorporates humans into the life and ongoing history of Jesus, thus joining them to the life of God and the God-like pattern of life described in Luke–Acts.

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