
Elder people have knowledge and experience – they can share them with other people. Seniors can teach young people different things. Their stories can indicate what is important in life and what should be avoided. The article presents the results of qualitative research (interview) on the lessons learned from the life experiences of the older people. The analysis of own research is preceded by the theoretical introduction about wisdom of life. Respondents highlighted mostly the importance of family, health, self-care and relationships with other people (friendship, honesty and respect towards others). Life showed them how important are: faith in God, enjoying every moment, patience in pursuing a goal, independently deciding about own life, realising your dreams, and work. Life experiences showed them how to deal with problems and that a person learns all life. They learned rules such as: money does not bring happiness, you cannot trust everyone, live the present and the good comes back. The elderly said that a person should make efforts to be happy.

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