
As the global population grows and urbanization accelerates, the garbage that is generated continues to increase. This waste causes serious pollution to the ecological environment, affecting the stability of the global environmental balance. Garbage detection technology can quickly and accurately identify, classify, and locate many kinds of garbage to realize the automatic disposal and efficient recycling of waste, and it can also promote the development of a circular economy. However, the existing garbage detection technology has some problems, such as low precision and a poor detection effect in complex environments. Although YOLOv5 has achieved good results in garbage detection, the detection results cannot meet the requirements in complex scenarios, so this paper proposes a garbage detection model, YOLOv5-OCDS, based on an improved YOLOv5. Replacing the partial convolution in the neck with Omni-Dimensional Dynamic Convolution (ODConv) improves the expressiveness of the model. The C3DCN structure is constructed, and parts of the C3 structures in the neck are replaced by C3DCN structures, allowing the model to better adapt to object deformation and target scale change. The decoupled head is used for classification and regression tasks so that the model can learn each class’s characteristics and positioning information more intently, and flexibility and extensibility can be improved. The Soft Non-Maximum Suppression (Soft NMS) algorithm can better retain the target’s information and effectively avoid the problem of repeated detection. The self-built garbage classification dataset is used for related experiments, and the mAP@50 of the YOLOv5-OCDS model is 5.3% higher than that of the YOLOv5s; the value of mAP@50:95 increases by 12.3%. In the experimental environment of this study, the model’s Frames Per Second (FPS) was 61.7 f/s. In practical applications, when we use some old GPU, such as the GTX1060, it can still reach 50.3 f/s, so that real-time detection can be achieved. Thus, the improved model suits garbage detection tasks in complex environments.

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