
Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more likely to report chronic pain than veterans without PTSD. Yoga has been shown to reduce both chronic pain and PTSD symptoms in clinical trials. The goal of our study was to assess the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that combined yoga and mantram repetition (Yoga + MR) into one program for military veterans with both chronic pain and PTSD. In this feasibility RCT, 27 veterans were randomized to either Yoga + MR or a relaxation intervention. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person recruitment, assessments, and intervention attendance were re-evaluated. Although remote delivery of aspects of the study were utilized, interventions were delivered in-person. Feasibility benchmarks met included full recruitment in 12months or less, 75%+ retention at initial follow-up assessment, 50%+ attendance rate, and 75%+ of participants satisfied with the interventions. The sample was racially and ethnically diverse, and 15% of participants were women. Participant recruitment lasted approximately 11months. Out of 32 participants initially randomized, two participants asked to be dropped from the study and three did not meet PTSD symptom criteria. For the remaining 27 participants, retention rates were 85% at 12 weeks and 81% at 18weeks. Participants attended 66% of in-person yoga and 55% of in-person relaxation sessions. Satisfaction was high, with 100% of yoga participants and 75%/88% of relaxation participants agreeing or strongly agreeing they were satisfied with the intervention/instructors. After 12weeks (end of intervention), Yoga + MR participants reported reduced back-pain related disability (primary outcome), reduced alcohol use, reduced fatigue, and increased quality of life, while relaxation group participants reported reductions in pain severity, PTSD symptoms, and fatigue. Amidst many research challenges during the pandemic, recruitment, retention, and efficacy results from this feasibility trial support advancement to a larger RCT to study Yoga + MR for chronic pain and PTSD.

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