
Context:Caregivers often provide unpaid care for family members and friends with physical disabilities, often to the detriment of their health and well-being. Caregivers often experience pain, and individuals with physical disabilities also are likely to experience pain. Merging yoga and self-management to Develop Skills Study (MY-Skills) is an intervention that merges self-management education with yoga for dyads experiencing chronic pain.Aim:This article presents the yoga protocol for the MY-Skills intervention.Methods:The yoga protocol was revised based on feedback from six caregiving dyads. The protocol focuses on reducing pain interference and supporting the caregiving dyad.Results:The final yoga protocol incorporated the following elements: Centering and mantra, prana vidya and pranayama, asanas, mudra, and guided savasana/dhyana.Conclusion:The MY-Skills yoga protocol was modified by a yoga therapist with feedback from study participants. Revisions focused on the caregiving dyad, with specific attention to reducing pain interference.

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