
Abstract Yoga is a way of life, which originated thousands of years ago from India. Patanjali described eight steps or “limbs” of Ashtanga Yoga. Yoga has an important role in prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases. One of the important components of yoga is pranayama. Physiologically, the benefits of pranayama can be described by more oxygen availability to all tissues of body by increase in alveolar ventilation and improvement of respiratory muscle's strength and lung volumes by its regular practice. There are five ‘Ts’ of NCDs (noncommunicable diseases) which act as risk factors for these diseases. These ‘Ts’ are: tummy, tobacco, tension, trans-fats, and life full of sedentary activities. Yoga by its very inherent nature is helpful to make the body active, introspective, and calm. It discourages tobacco and trans-fats, thus reducing the risk factors of NCDs. There are enough data that suggest yoga is effective in cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes mellitus and mental disorders, etc. The coronary artery disease risk in the offspring can also be reduced by doing appropriate yogasana and avoidance of smoking by expectant mother. This review also makes it amply clear that yoga is not religion-specific, rather it is for all.

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