
Yoga,which is an ancient tradition, embodies harmonic balance for the body and mind. This influence can be seen through the study of yoga and all of its benefits to the human body. In China, people began to learn Yoga and love it since 1980s. Recently, yoga even became a selective course in some universities. In 2015, the first India-China Yoga College (ICYC) was established. Since then, yoga is not only related to the body and mind but also promotes the exchange between countries, the understanding between people and the blending and co-existing of the cultures. ICYC along with training yoga teachers for the yoga teaching in China leads the direction of the yoga education in China and has turned a platform for the cultural exchange for both countries. ICYC which plays the role as a bridge between the two countries in modern societies provides an opportunity to continue our close relationship from centuries ago. The paper attempts to represent yoga as a messenger and yoga as link for healthy body, mind, culture and cultural exchange.


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