
Yin Chan Quan Shu (Obstetrics and gynecology monograph) is a monograph on obstetrics and gynecology compiled by Wang Kentang in the Ming Dynasty. It had four volumes and was published in the thirtieth year of Wanli (1602) in the Ming Dynasty after it was edited by Zhang Shoukong and others. It was found that Yin Chan Quan Shu has four versions remaining. They were the version printed by Shu Lin Qiao Shan Tang in the Ming Dynasty, held in the National Library of China and the Cabinet Library of Japanese Official Documents Library; the version revised according to the version of Shu Lin Qiao Shan Tang, held in the Library of Capital Medical University, Tianjin Medical College, Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the Library of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and the Cabinet Library of the National Archives of Japan; the version based on the version of Shu Lin Qiao Shan Tang in the Ming Dynasty, transcribed in the fourth year of Wen Hua (1807), collected in the Cabinet Library of the National Archives of Japan; the version transcribed according to the revised version in the Ming Dynasty, collected in the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. It was found that there was no evidence to support the existence of the so-called "version of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty". This means almost all versions remaining came from the versions published in the Ming Dynasty. The references of Yin Chan Quan Shu came from Pulse Classic (Mai Jing), Chan Bao, Fu Ren Da Quan Liang Fang and other works with the supplement and development by Wang Kentang.Yin Chan Quan Shu was the main sources and foundation of the Criteria of Syndrome Identification and Treatment in Gynecology (Nv Ke Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng) by Wang Kentang.

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