
The paper presents the results of study of the yielding capacity of different varieties of winter wheat depending on agrotechnical methods of their cultivation in the Northern Steppes of Ukraine. A comparative analysis of the processes of formation of the yield formula elements in growing winter wheat after bare fallow, soybeans and spring barley was carried out. It was established that varietal reaction of the tested varieties to predecessors and the level of mineral nutrition were different. Thus, the highest yield was formed by Zira and Rozkishna varieties. On average, during the years of study, depending on the growing conditions, it varied within 2.80 to 5.12 and 3.03 to 5.82 t/ha respectively.Methods. The study was conducted during 2010-2013 on the experimental farm "Dnipro" of the State Institution Institute of Agriculture of Steppe Zone of NAAS, in the field three-factor experiment, which was laid using the method of successive plots, in a systematic way. The area of the elementary plot was 60 m2 and of accounting plot - 40 m2. Repetition in the experiment: three times.The main objective of the research was to study more advanced agrotechnical efficiency in cultivation of different varieties of winter wheat in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine.Results. The research results show that plants of different varieties of winter wheat depending on their varietal characteristics responded differently to their predecessors and the level of mineral nutrition. When sown after bare fallow, Zira and Rozkishna varieties, over the three years of research on average, provided the yields of 5.12 and 5.82 t/ha respectively and the yield index of Zamozhnist variety was 5.03 t/ha. When all the studied varieties were sown after the spring barley, their yields were significantly lower. Thus, on the plots of this predecessor, where N60P60K60 was applied before cultivation with subsequent nourishment in the spring with nitrogen N30 applied on the half-melted soil and N60 applied in the phase of spring tillering, the grain productivity of Zira variety was 3.74 t/ha; Zamozhnist - 3.50 t/ha; Rozkishna - 3.96 t/ha. Also the varietal response of plants to the level of their mineral nutrition in the spring and summer period when growing after soybeans was traced quite clearly. The research helped establish the most effective rate of nitrogen fertilizer. Thus application of N45P45K45 before cultivation and subsequent nourishment of plants with N30 on the half-melted soil in spring followed by application of N30 locally in the spring tillering phase provided the yield of Zira, Zamozhnist and Rozkishna varieties from 3.71 to 4.07 t/ha.Conclusions. When growing winter wheat in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine such varieties as Zira, Zamozhnist and Rozkishna should be sewn after bare fallow and according to the technology that provides application of N30P30K30 during the primary tillage, N30 on the half-melted soil and the local application of N30 in the spring bushing phase, which provides the grain yield within 5.03 to 5.82 t/ha. When growing winter wheat after soybeans the preference should be given to semi-intensive and versatile varieties such as Zira and Rozkishna and they should be grown with application of N45P45K45 during primary tillage, N30 on the half-melted soil and N30 locally in the spring tillering phase. After spring barley it is advisable to grow Rozkishna, winter wheat of a versatile variety, using the technology that provides application of N60P60K60 during the primary tillage, N30 on the half-melted soil and the local application of N60 in the spring tillering phase.


  • У статті наведено результати досліджень з вивчення продуктивності різних сортів пшениці озимої залежно від агротехнічних прийомів вирощування в північному Степу України

  • В умовах реформування агропромислового комплексу України площі вирощування озимих культур після традиційних попередників є обмеженими

  • After spring barley it is advisable to grow Rozkishna, winter wheat of a versatile variety, using the technology that provides application of N60P60K60 during the primary tillage, N30 on the half-melted soil and the local application of N60 in the spring tillering phase

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У статті наведено результати досліджень з вивчення продуктивності різних сортів пшениці озимої залежно від агротехнічних прийомів вирощування в північному Степу України. Агротехнологічні прийоми вирощування пшениці озимої в північній частині Степу України на даний час вивчені недостатньо, оскільки не повністю задовольняють вимоги сучасних, високоврожайних сортів. Одержання високих врожаїв зерна пшениці озимої є можливим при врахуванні вимог кожного конкретного сорту до його біологічних особливостей та умов вирощування. Значний внесок у теоретичне та практичне вивчення особливостей вирощування пшениці озимої зробили такі вчені як С. Важливою технологічною ланкою при вирощуванні пшениці озимої вчені вважають систему удобрення, яка повинна базуватися на знанні основних періодів розвитку рослин, їх потреб в поживних речовинах, а також специфіки ґрунтово-кліматичних умов зони, попередників та сортових особливостей пшениці озимої [7, 8]

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