
Abstract Single crystals of γ-Ti-54.5at.% Al with two different orientations have been deformed between room temperature and 1223K. Both exhibit a yield stress anomaly. The operating slip systems and dislocation structure have been determined by optical and transmission electron microscopy, and the dissociation of the [011] superlattice dislocations has been studied by the ‘weak- beam’ technique. For both crystals the major part of the slip occurs via the [011] superdislocations in the temperature range below the yield stress peak. The anomaly therefore reflects mainly an anomaly for [011] (111) slip. At room temperature these dislocations are dissociated in the (111) glide plane, but at higher temperatures the screw dislocations form Kear-Wilsdorf-type locks which are the cause of the anomaly, as suggested by previous workers. Above the peak stress temperature, glide occurs by ordinary slip on {110) planes for one crystal and by [011](110) slip and ordinary slip and climb for the other. Evidence for a yi...

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