
The moisture in the environment influences the formation of defects in steel and the yield of suitable metal products. However, no numerical dependence of the yield at a metallurgical enterprise on climatic and weather conditions, in particular, on coarse precipitation, has yet been proposed. A significant difference in the yield of steel grades suitable for various groups is shown on days without atmospheric precipitation, with precipitation and during the day after rain. For low-alloy steels, the yield of a suitable continuously cast billet during periods with precipitation is 11.3% lower than on days without precipitation; for high-alloy grades, this difference reaches 16.5%. Based on the annual reports of metallurgical companies, a database has been formed on the average annual output of suitable metal products at various plants around the world. The quantitative dependence of the yield at the enterprise on the number of days in a year with coarse precipitation (rain, snow) and the uneven distribution of these precipitation over the year has been obtained. Coarse precipitation significantly affects the level of yield of suitable metal products at a metallurgical enterprise. With an increase in the number of days with precipitation per year by one day, the level of waste and sorting at the enterprise increases by 0.087%. The increase in the unevenness of atmospheric precipitation per unit leads to an increase in waste and sorting by 0.822%. If the climatic factor is taken into account when forming a strategy for the development of metallurgy in the country, then it is possible to achieve a greater effect for the development of the economy in comparison with other states that do not take this factor into account.

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