
On the market of medicinal plants of Ukraine there is a deficiency of chamomile. Increasing its production and obtaining profits from the sale of medicinal raw materials is possible through the use of new breeding practices and adaptive technologies for growing this crop in the context of global climate change. The conducted scientific researches in different regions of our country and abroad show that the yield of chamomile and the content of biologically active substances in it depend on genetic features of a variety, type of soil, climatic factors, dates and methods of sowing, fertilization, etc. The purpose of our research was to establish the regularities of the formation of the Perlyna Lisostepu chamomile variety yield, depending on the elements of the technology of cultivation in the agroecological conditions of Pollyssya, where this question is not sufficiently studied. We have found that the autumn sowing of this culture has significantly higher yields than spring sowing. This is due to the fact that culture has a larger vegetation period, and therefore it is better to assimilate fertilizers in post-sowing period, and at the time of spring regrowth, it is rapidly increasing the weight and gaining superiority over weeds. The yield of raw mass of flowers varies from 0.7 to 1.4 t/ha depending on the fertilizer, and the dry mass, respectively, from 0.3 to 0.7 t/ha. The best weather conditions in the period of sowing and the formation of generative organs of chamomile plants were in 2018. During the autumn sowing season (September) there was more heat. The average monthly air temperature in April, May and June significantly exceeded the average multi-year norm. On average, over two years of research, the maximum yield of crude mass of chamomile flowers was 1.3 t/ha and dry mass of 0.65 t/ha was obtained with the addition of N16P16K16 (to the main fertilizer). Chamomile plants respond well to the N10 foliar feeding which provided 1.2 t/ha and 0.6 t/ha of raw material. During spring sowing, the yield was in the range of 0.5-1.1 t/ha of raw mass and, respectively, 0.2-0.6 t/ha of dry mass of flowers. Fertilized options were not inferior to each other in yield of medicinal raw material. Application of fertilizers according to the experimental scheme increased the yield of finished medicinal raw materials by 0,1-0,3 t/ha

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