
Abstract The critical period of rice‐weed competition was studied for the rice varieties Oryzica 1 and CICA 8, in 1989 and 1990. Weed species were Eleusine indca, Echinochloa crus‐galli, Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus iria, Leptochloa filiformis and Eclipta alba. Competition effects were similar for both varieties. Weeds emerging with the crop were the most damaging ones. Rice yields increased with longer weed‐free periods up to 70 days after emergence (d.a.e.). Weed emergence and growth after 70 d.a.e. was suppressed by the crop. Both rice cultivars required a critical height of 44–50 cm to suppress weed growth at 70 d.a.e. Though both varieties were equally weed suppressive by 70 d.a.e., leaf area index of CICA 8 was much larger than that of Oryzica 1 when rice grew weed‐free after emergence. Economic analysis showed that under heavy weed infestations, in a system where rice cannot be early and continuously flooded, three post‐emergent herbicide applications at 9, 18...

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