
The high Q-value of some (p,α) fusion reactions is very important in the investigation that can lead to power production with controlled fusion using advanced fuels (hydrogen-lithium-7, hydrogen-boron-11). For this reason, it is crucial to know the rates of these fusion reactions. Unfortunately, in the fusion machines such as plasma focus device, the interaction energy is usually far below the Coulomb barrier. Because of that, direct measurements of the relevant reaction cross sections are practically impossible. A few different indirect approaches have been proposed. In this work the Trojan Horse Method (THM) will be described. On the basis of the results obtained from the THM method and data, which are well-known from our previous work (Banjanac et al. in Radiat Meas 40:483–485, 2005), the reaction rate for proton-induced reaction 7Li(p,α)α produced in the hydrogen plasma focus is calculated. This calculation will be compared with the measurements of α particles production rate using CR-39 detectors.

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