
The present investigation was carried out at the Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani, during 2019-2020 to study the performance of bottle gourd genotypes. Among the genotypes, the BG-3 recorded the lower most node to fruit production (13.7) and highest fruit set per cent (43.4%). BG-2 was earliest to first fruit harvest (57.8 days). IC 371745 recorded longer fruit length (68.8 cm) which was at par with IC 538142 (62.2 cm). Genotype IC417704 recorded maximum fruit diameter and flesh thickness (15.97 cm and 12.56 cm). Genotype IC 331101 recorded the lowest rind thickness (1.69 mm) and IC 536593 recorded the highest fruit weight (2.41 kg). Tvpm Local recorded highest number of fruits per vine (6) followed by Pant Lauki-4 (4.3). The highest fruit yield was recoeded in Tvpm Local (43.98 t ha-1) with crop duration of 129.4 days. The highest TSS and ascorbic acid content were noted in the BG-3 (2.5°B) and IC398545 (12.0 mg 100-1 g), respectively. Based on the mean yield performance of the genotypes and selection index score IC 536593, Tvpm Local and Pant lauki-4 were best performing genotypes.

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