
The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the effect ofgrowth retardant Chlormequat chloride (CCC) on morphological characters of grape cultivar Punjab MACS Purple. The foliar application of Chlormequat chloride (250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm) was done at five leaf stage while the control vines were sprayed with water only. Observations on vegetative growth were recorded at different growth stages. Maximum dose of Chlormequat chloride was found to be most effective in reducing cane length and internodal length while the same dose resulted in maximum cane diameter. There was reduction in leaf area as well as size while the effect on time of anthesis and trunk girth was less significant. It has been reported that yield and bunch weight was maximum with the application of1000 ppm Chlormequat chloride followed by 700 ppm Chlormequat chloride.

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