
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif season 2020 at SHIATS Model Organic Farm ((SMOF), Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (UP) on sandy loam soil to investigate the influence of organic sources and bio fertilizers on yield and economic of finger millet. The treatment consisted of organic sources viz., FYM 10t/ha, Poultry manure 2t/ha and Goat/ Sheep 2t/ha and biofertilizers viz., Azospirilllum (seed inoculation @25 g/kg), PSB (Seed inoculation @25 g/kg) and Azospirillum + PSB (Seed inoculation @25 g/kg) effect is observed on finger millet (MR-1). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with ten treatments replicated thrice. Study revealed that treatment with application of with Poultry manure 2 t/ha + Azospirillum + PSB (Seed inoculation @ 25 g/kg) was recorded significantly higher grain yield (3.23 t/ha) and straw yield (5.5 t/ha) as compared to other treatment combinations. The economic analysis clearly indicates that higher B:C ratio (1.52) recorded with application of Poultry manure 2 t /ha + Azospirillum + PSB (Seed inoculation @ 25 g/kg).

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