
This article will focus on the poetic activity and work of the famous journalist, poet Yeslam Zikibaev. In modern Kazakh poetry, the poetic specificity of the poet's poetry, manifested in its originality, is fully revealed, thematic and ideological features are revealed. The works of the poet Yeslam are dedicated to the native land, the Motherland. A thematic analysis of poems written on patriotic themes was carried out, artistic specificity was revealed. Beauty definitely shakes the soul of poets. After all, there are many writers who clearly reflect them in their poems. Yeslam Zikibaev sang of pure love, beauty, chastity. In the course of the study, the artistic specificity of the poet's poems was also analyzed.An analysis of journalistic research articles and essays in the literary heritage of the poet was also carried out. In the work of the well-known journalist, poet, publicist Yeslam Zikibaev, the criticisms expressed were summarized and assessments were given.

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