
The study was carried out as surveys in 6 farmer fields and field trials in Osmaniye in 2010-2011periods. This study concerned fungal diseases affecting local peanut areas and suppressing them with primarily various fertilizer treatments of their occurrence. In all survey areas crown rot ( Aspergillus niger ), stem rot ( Sclerotium rolfsii) and leaf spot disease ( Cercosporidium personatum ) were observed. Infected plants were found to have the following fungi: Sclerotium rolfsii (%17.0-30.0), Aspergillus niger (%18.0-29.0), Rhizoctonia solani (%7.8-28.0)and Fusarium solani (%7.0-20.0) during surveys. Leaf samples taken from the experimental plots and survey areas in survey periods, they had N levels near the minimum critical level. K levels of them were generally insufficient while P, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn levels were within the accepted ranges. According to the survey and experimental areas nitrogen that close to the lower critical level and potassium deficiency depend on irregularity in rain and irrigation, antagonistic correlation between Mg+2/K+ insufficient in the soil were found providing conformity to development of fungi diseases in peanuts.

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