
Greenhouse experiments showed that yellow nutsedge shoot number and shoot and root dry weights were reduced by root-knot nematodes and chile peppers. Root-knot nematodes increased and chile peppers decreased the number of yellow nutsedge tubers. Yellow nutsedge tuber germination was reduced by chile peppers but not by root-knot nematodes. Yellow nutsedge established from root-knot nematode-infected tubers produced more tubers than noninfected tubers. Root-knot nematode populations became established on yellow nutsedge root systems when plants were established from tubers previously cultured with root-knot nematodes. Metolachlor stunted chile peppers, eliminated yellow nutsedge, and influenced root-knot nematode populations through reduction of host plant root mass. However, when root-knot nematodes were present, yellow nutsedge tuber germination was not affected by metolachlor. This research indicates that the pests do not exist independently and that their management may be interrelated.

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