
ABSTRACT In the Diario de Noticias, of October 23, published iu Bahia, Brazil, there appears an article touching inoculation as a prophylactic against yellow fever. I have made a literal translation of it, and present it for the consideration of the medical profession in this country, without note or comment, as follows:In the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, of Buda-Pesth, assembled inl ast September, the question of yellow fever was discussed and Dr. Miranda de Azevedo, a delegate from our government, presented to the distinguished assembly the report of our illustrious citizen, Dr. Domingos Freire, whose investigations upon the etiology and prophylaxis of this disease are well known.The Congress formed in this respect, the following conclusions:1. It is a fact attained for science, thanks to the labors of Prof. Domingos Freire, supported by many physicians of Brazil and by observers of other countries, that a microbe (cryptococcus

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