
The present study investigated a novel lysozyme ApLyz from the Chinese oak silkmoth, Antheraea pernyi, for its active expression with N- or C-terminus fused to the yeast cell surface, and the antimicrobial activities of the corresponding expressed lysozymes were evaluated. The bactericidal activity of C-terminal fusion of ApLyz surpassed that of the N-terminal fusion, which revealed the implication of an N-terminal stretch of ApLyz in the bactericidal function based on the structural mobility of this region. Two N-terminal peptides of ApLyz (residues 1-15 and 1-32), which primarily consist of amphiphilic α-helices, exerted similar bactericidal efficacy and had a strong preference for the Gram-negative strains. Further investigation revealed that the N-terminal peptides are membrane-targeting peptides causing cell permeabilization and also possess nonmembrane disturbing bactericidal mechanism. Overall, in addition to the key findings of novel bactericidal peptides from silkmoth lysozyme, this work laid the foundation for future improvement of ApLyz by protein engineering.

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