
ABSTKACT. The paradigm relat~ng early life history growth rate to survival rate and/or year-class strength has remained largely untested among marine fishes. Using Atlantic cod Gadus morhua on Georges Bank (NW Atlantic) as a test species, I reconstructed the larval and juvenile g]-owth sequences of 5 successive year-classes of cod and related them to 2 independent indices of year-class strength. Larval and juvenile growth sequences reconstructed from the otolith microstructure of young-of-theyear juveniles differed significantly among year-classes. Temperature was a significant, but not necessarily a primary, source of the w~thin-year and between-year variations in growth Neither the larval growth sequence nor the hatch date distribution was correlated with year-class strength. However, otolith size at age and body size at age at the pelagic juvenile stage were both highly correlated with year-class strength. Differences in growth rates and associated exposure t ~ m e s to high larval mortality rates were sufficient to account for much of the 4-fold difference in adult abundance among the yearclasses.

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